I really miss you my sweet ,
I miss the feel of your feet ,
The tenderness of your touch ,
I never thought it would be such !
I miss holding you ,
Yes yes I do !
I want to hold you next to me ,
Come over here and you'll see ,
How I will gently carress your breast ,
And tenderly take care of the rest !
I will passionately make Love to you ,
That you know I can do !
I will look you in the eye ,
And tell you not good-bye ,
But tell you how much I missed you ,
Yes yes that's what I'll do !
Sunshine, you make me feel so special,
So much better than what I am,
When I am in your arms,
I feel much more than just a man,
I feel as if I can take on the world,
And at it, I could never fail,
Or I could climb the highest mountain,
By it's worst and most treacherous trail !
Sunshine for the words you spoke of to me,
Showed so clearly on your face,
It showed within your smile and eyes,
That I may never be replaced !
Sunshine you make me feel more special,
Than I have ever felt before,
I still feel you in my arms,
Though I'm not beside you anymore,
I felt your lips upon my own,
As I held your body tight,
Sunshine your more special to me,
Than the stars that fill the night !
But if the worst should ever happen,
And you go back to him atlast,
Remember me for who I am,
As you look back on our past,
Remember you will always be here within me,
And surely I hope we shall never ever part,
Right here inside me you will be forever,
So very special, right here inside my heart !
Sunshine I never want to lose you,
To me you are special don't you see,
My feelings for you are very real,
And I always, want you to be right here with me !
Sunshine those were my thoughts and how I am feeling tonight I just wanted to share them with you so you would know that you are still always on my mind and in my heart,Ron.
Well as you may of read else where my Sunshine was married but seperated while we were dating. As of today 11/02/02 she still calls me to see if how I am doing and to ask if I have found my soulmate! We are still very close friends but I know what we once had is in the past and my life has been moving forward ever since that fateful day in July of 2001.
Sunshine will always remain a good friend to me because you just don't Love someone for a little while when you are truly in Love but your Love for them can change over time!