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What makes me happy is being near you !
You know I will always be true to you.
With me your happiness is a must ,
I will always do my best and that's a plus !
Just incase you need to know ,
I am not just putting on a show !
I hope that you can see ,
I want you to spend some time with me !
I want to share your laughter ,
For now and ever after !
I will never do you wrong !
For you , I will always remain strong !
This is not my final plea ,
For you to spend some time with me !

On a night such as this,
All I can think of is you!
On a night such as this,
With the sky so blue!
On a night such as this,
I feel so down,
No one to love,
You can't be found!
On a night such as this,
I am alone to think,
And so in deep thought,
I did slowly sink!
On a night such as this,
I remember your face,
It is truly beautiful,
And it has a certain grace!
On a night such as this,
I think of what fun you could be,
All the possibilities that arouse,
For you and me!
On a night such as this,
I miss you so,
Probably more than you'll ever know!
On a night such as this,
I wish upon a star!
That I could be with you,
Where ever you are!
When I met you it didn't take me long
to lose my heart ,
I knew you were special right from the start !
As the days and weeks quickly went by ,
I got to know you better and I realize why .
You are the kindest and most loving
person I have ever met !
And loving you is something I will never regret !
Tears began to trickle from my eyes because I missed you so much !
I know it hasn't been that long but it seems like an eternity ,
An eternity since I seen your sweet face !
An eternity since I have felt your warm arms around me !
An eternity since I have kissed your soft lips !
An eternity since your gentle hand has touched mine !
An eternity `till we meet again !
For now I will take the good with the bad ,
Because I know you will never make me mad ,
Other than how I am mad about you !
So this is what I am going to do ,
I'm going to hold next to me
And only hope that you will see
The way I think our lives should be
Holding you , loving you together we should be !