Why did you do this to me ? You told me you would call but your number never came up on my caller ID. Right now I am angry at you , For making me feel this blue !
Do you not realize what you mean to me ?
I know your not blind and you can see ,
It breaks my heart when we are apart !
Sunshine I am falling in love with you ,
That is why you made me feel so blue !
I cannot stay angry at a potential mate ,
Love is blind when it comes to fate !
Now my anger is gone and I forgive you ,
I hope this poem doesn't make you blue too !
I know it has been not too long ago we met ,
I am not saying I am in love with just yet !
But I have a feeling I will be soon ,
And it might happen under a full moon !
When it does my love will keep ,
Then you will never have a need to weep !
This is how I feel today ,
And this is all my poem will say !

You may notice quite a few Dating sites listed below that is because I belong to alot of them. I might add that I only added the "FREE" sites and 4**** are the ones I like the "BEST" As you can tell I am still looking for my Soulmate! UPDATE...1/15/04 Found my Soul mate and her name is Susan!
Don't forget to check out the "Love Police" that is an ultra cool site!!! You can check these sites out if you wish to but I don't make anything for putting them on here it's just that I like them and thought I'd share them with you. Sincerely Ron :)
These are some of my favorite links!
The Love Calculator****
Sometimes you'd like to know if a relationship with someone could work out. Therefore Doctor Love himself designed this great machine for you. With The Love Calculator you can calculate the probability on a successful relationship between two people. The Love Calculator is an affective way to get an impression of what the chances are on a relationship between certain people.
The Love Police****
When you've had trouble in a relationship, the Love Police were never around when you needed them. Not any more! The Love Police are now as close as the Internet.
A great card site for when your "other half" does something to annoy you! You can send them a citation from "The LOVE Police"...Ron ;)
Match City**
Welcome to MatchCITY Personals. This is a free site. Send and receive as many messages as you want Registered users can log on, retrieve and send messages without revealing their email address.
Free and easy! Post your profile page for all to see and to search on
1LoveCards.com **
1LoveCards.com offers hundreds of high quality love and romance greeting cards for free. Our greeting cards reflect the beauty of love and will make your love's heart flutter :-) Cool Site....Ron
Need help finding a "LOVE" site? E-mail me ronjohn261@hotmail.com and more than likely I know where it is, Ron.
Dream...A Dream Dictionary****
This extensive A-Z guide Dream Dictionary opens up the world of dream interpretation which when pieced together make sense of the puzzling images and strange symbolism that dreams are made of.
Oklahoma City Zoo****
The Oklahoma City Zoo brings all of the world's most rare and exotic animals close to home. Come eye to eye with a lion. Just a few feet away from a gorilla. Just inches away from ...
Mom and Dads Freebie Site!***
The best place on the web to get your freebies! I have seen many of freebie sites but this one seems to have it all,Ron.
The Love Generator***
Yet another "Love" generator!Want to see if you and yours are compatible, friendly, or should you take this relationship one step farther.
Just enter your name in the first block,
your significant others name in the second block
and click on the "Calulate" button
to see what percentage you get.
MatchDoctor.com is a truly 100% FREE site that enables singles to meet people with similar interests and needs.
Other Singles.Com****
The Singles Network...A completely FREE World-Wide matchmaking personals introductions, and Dating for Singles,Love,Romance, Friendship and marriage, Plus astrological profiles.
Yet Another 100% FREE Dating Service...Even get payed to be a member!
Free Dating Service Aloveslinksplus.com
The reviewers of aLoveLinksPlus.com search the web tirelessly to bring to you Free Adult Classified Services. Take your time reading our reviews and join the services that most appeal to you. Some offer free to send initial messages, some only to reply to messages for free.
My actual Home Page!**********
Yes it's my original home page so don't forget to check it out!