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Love Poems By Ron

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Hello! This is my Guest Book feel free to sign it!
:) UPDATE 7/15/05... MY GUEST BOOK WILL NOT BE TAKING ANY NEW ENTRIES for a short time while I rebuild it! I thank you for your consideration and understanding. Sincerely, Ron:)... I want to thank you for coming here!Come on don't be shy,go ahead and leave your mark after all we only live once...or do we?

For the ones of you that write poetry too and would like to have your poems published here just send them via E-mail and I shall post them with credit to you.
NOTE TO SPAMMERS!... You use my guest book to promote or advertise your site be it known that I have a zero tolerance to it and I will and do remove such postings immediately! Please do not waste your time or mine with such postings!10/12/04 THIS INCUDES THAT IDIOT WITH HIS PORNO SITE THAT I DELETE EVERYDAY! Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! Sincerely,Ron:)
To view Guest BookClick Here Thank You,Ron:)PLEASE NOTE: After hitting submit you will be asked to re-enter your name on the next page! You can do that and get a little flattery from me or hit cancel to proceed! This is something I am testing to cut back on the amount of "spam advertisements" I receive everyday! Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely,Ron:)

Where are
you from:

I lay awake at night, because I know where you are,
I try to forget and go to bed but I know you aren't too far.
I cannot help but wonder are you thinking of me too?
I wish somehow you were here with me and kissing me the way you do!
You're soft warm lips pressing happiness into my heart,
Telling me all that your words can't express making me never wanting to part!
I wonder if you hear me as I call out your name in my sleep?
I wonder if you see me when into my dreams you creep!
I wonder if given the chance would you always want to stay?
I wonder if you'd cherish my love or will someday you might want to go away?
Since you have touched my heart and you know my mind,
You can see I am gentle, loving, caring and kind !
When you walk hand and hand with me,
What wonderful treasures in the world we will see.
When you open your heart and bare your soul,
Now you know I will never hurt you or try to control.
If you could see the world through my eyes,
You would see without you my world is sad and it cries!
When I shared that wonderful day with you,
You could see that we were limitless, there's nothing we couldn't do!
If you would let me,I would put my soul at your feet,
You know now that inside, my love is exotic but sweet!
You know of my dreams and aspirations,
Of my perfect love with no inhibitions.
Sunshine you know I really care about you,
And you know my love will be honest and true!
Since you have taken this chance,
You know I will always fill your days with wild romance!
And if you could only see through my eyes for awhile,
See how I see you and your charismatic smile!
If you could have any wish that you may,
I would fulfill anything that you may say!
If you only knew the vastness of my desires,
The look in your eyes that set my heart on fire!
You have touched but one heart, and I'm glad it was mine,
Together I hope we will nurture and grow like fruit on a vine!
I will give you all that I hold precious and true,
I will love you through all of times, and only you.
I feel your presence everywhere,
I taste your lips and smell your hair !
Then I close my eyes and you appear,
The woman I cherish and love so dear!
I treasure your smile and adore your mind!
You've healed me darling! Your one of a kind!!!

Another special poem written just for You from Me!!!
Hi Love,I just wanted you to know I have never been so happy in my life as I am right now! I know slow down but I still have to let you know how I feel! I always want us to be able to exspress ourselves to one another. We both know that we communicate good to each other and I wouldn't want to keep anything from you! I am really looking foward to the next time you can exscape and spend some time with me! I wrote this with the BIGGEST smile on my face imaginable one that has been there for a few days now!


10474I want to Thank You for signing my Guest Book!