6047 Vacation at South Padre Island <bgsound src="http://www.homestead.com/60sMusic/files/wouldnt_it_be_nice.wav" loop=1>
  Vacation at South Padre Island and Mexico!
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I started to call this page"My dream Vacation Turned Nightmare"
But all in all we had a GREAT time visiting South Padre Island and Mexico! Our trip into Matamoras, Mexico was some what of a nightmare but we found out later the place to go is Nuevo Progreso more comonly known as Progreso. Let me start with saying we had a very Fun time in South Padre Island and I would like to thank everyone that lives down there and a Special Thanks to the " South Beach Inn" for our accomodations and I must say it is very reasonably priced to be only about a half block from the beach! Oh and I'd like to say Hello to the family I met from Kingston! Ok now about our little trip into Matamoras, Mexico. First off the cab driver charged us $20.00 for the trip to the market place which is about two miles across the border! Now if my math skills are right (I don't have my calculater handy) that is $10.00 a mile! Ok me being me I tried to haggle with the driver but all the sudden he doesn't speak english....Humnnn....must have gotten amnesia while driving! Did I mention his driving scared the crap outta me? Anyways we get to the market place where I find this neat looking eagle that the man said was carved from a cow bone! He wanted $35.00 for it so I started to leave and he wanted to wheel and deal so I ended up paying $28.00 for it. A good deal I thought until after examing it I realized it was made of poly resin made to look like bone! Oops...my mistake! Then we came across a longhorn bulls skull with the horns still attached and they wanted $35.00 for it and we ended up paying $26.00 for it which was a good deal at the time because in Oklahoma they go for around $150.00. Then my daughter wanted a little guitar, the guy wanted 12.00 for it, I got him down to $6.00 and she decided she didn't want it so we went on shopping for other stuff. We found that in Matamoras if you start asking questions they all (on the most part) get amnesia and forget how to speak english!
It starts to rain and I didn't have any umbrellas so I haled a cab to get back across the border and asked the driver if he spoke english, he said yes and to my amazement he spoke it very well! He told me it would be $5.00 to get back to the border and I proceded to tell him about the cab fair to get there and he let me know right off that I was ripped off....Duh!
The next day it is raining at South Padre so we decided to go to Progreso, Mexico where we heard from some other people that the prices were cheaper.When you get to Progreso the parking lot is right there at the border and the market place starts about a hundred or so feet after you cross the border bridge.We wonder in and out of shops past the people selling on the street and come across this GIANT store called Curios El Disco Super Store (sort of like a WalMart). You recall the eagle I bought for $28.00? Here it was $5.95 and the longhorn skull we paid $26.00 for? They were only $12.95 here....yep I had to buy another one! And the guitar for $6.00? Only $2.95 here! Every thing was marked cheap in the stores in Progreso so there was no haggling over prices! We bought enough stuff to fill up two very large boxes at Curios El Disco Super Store and one of the workers there even carried them across the border for us on a two wheel dolly for free!(Clear to the car!) Naturally being Americans we tipped him very well for his generosity. Well it is getting late and I can finish this later so I will do so.....For now God Bless You All! Sincerely,Ron:)
UPDATE...6/25/03 I added some more photos today and typed in some stuff but what I typed didn't get saved :(.... may be I can retype it later! In the mean time "Have fun and enjoy my site!" Thanks for dropping by,Ron:)

Here's a link to a great site that tells the visitor all about crossing the border into Mexico to visit the best border town anywhere on the US-Mexico border Nuevo Progreso. It list stores, dentists, pharmacies, doctors, restaurants, and more.Go visit Shop-Progeso.com by clicking here

Welcome to South Padre!
Angela didn't want to stop for this picture! She was anxious to get to the ocean!
My daughter at the Mexico border!
My daughter on her own horse!
I was sooooooo Proud of Angela for riding her own horse this year! It gave me plenty of time to enjoy riding by myself! Smile Angel, Daddy Loves his Beautiful girl!
We went on a dolphin watch!
This was so funny.....ALLIGATORS!
I promised Angela we would stop at a lake and take a swim on the way home but as you see swimming wasn't advisable.....LOL!
A fruit stand we stopped at for munchies!
Angela enjoying herself on a play ground!